Friday, October 5, 2007

Why is that it that the kids wait until you're totally rushed off your feet and about to finally get out the door before they tell you that they really don't like what they are wearing because it's:

a. hurting them (funny how for the past ½ hour that they've been dressed they could sit on the couch watching tv without any apparent discomfort)
b. doesn't match with their shoes (even thought they picked what they are wearing despite objections from you about "the look")
c. stupid (? yeah I also don't get that one)
d. too hot / or too cold (once again in spite of my comments about that when they got dressed)

When this happens I feel like I'm going to explode, all morning I've been asking nicely and trying to help while telling them that we need to leave soon and then they wait until there is no more time left. When I point this out there is an even bigger drama on hand cause now I'm being an ugly mommy. Man do I wonder about my/our decision to have kids at those moments.

As you've probably guessed we had one of those mornings again. I really don't understand how one pair of sock, which is identical and bought together can hurt while another pair doesn't. And how do you wear a coat every day and then just decide that it's lame and you don't want to wear it anymore? If there is anyone out there who can explain this to me, and how to react to this please do!

I must say taking the kids to school is also really working my guilty button. I mean, we never planned for me to be a working mom and I stayed at home with Riley and then Rourke until we moved here. (we don't have a choice at the moment but that is a whole other and very long story). So, I do feel guilty about them going to school even if I know that it's also the only way for them to learn French and to cope here in Belgium.

This morning Tiger cried from when we got off the bus until 10 min after getting to school. He was just holding on to me and not letting go, it broke my heart, poor baby! I also know that he was most probably his old happy self 10 min after I left but still....I do feel bad for so many reasons.

As you may be able to tell I'm in a self doubt of my mothering skills mode today, do you ever feel like that? Wondering if you are really screwing your kids up by just being their mom? I do from time to time and when I tell Brad he thinks I'm crazy. Bless him

I must stay I'm really missing him and not just because of all the things he does to make my life easier (that is part of the reason) but I just miss knowing that he is going to come crawl into bed next to me at some stage in the early hours or that I can just pick up my phone and phone him. But I do hope he is enjoying his time at the beach.

1 comment:

Char said...

You are an awesome mom. Don't doubt it. Your kids are amazing! Creative, insiteful little people with real opinions! Wish you didn't live so far away... :o(