Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Doing the single mom juggle

No single mom is an island!

Well, I'm not really a single mom, but for all purposes I am this week. Brad's gone to South Africa, for about 10 days, on a business trip/ mini break. And let me tell you, it takes quite a few people to get everything running smoothly in my life without my husband.

First, I had to arrange to work a later shift, as getting to work by 8, after first getting the kids to school, is just impossible (this is normally Brad's job, in fact today was the 1st time I met Tiger's teacher). Then there is my new favorite person, Julda, who comes to clean and do the ironing on a Tuesday.

At 3, Tracy picks the kids up from school and keeps them entertained until my mom gets home, at 5, from picking up my nephew from his school. What you have to realise is that Tracy is a man of 39 who has no kids of his own, so this is really quite a thing to ask him. The reason why Tracy can do this is cause he works as one of Brad's barmen so, while Brad is away he works the night shift. He gets on really well with the kids and spoils them rotten, which makes this all work better, for instance, he took them for some, (if not the most delicious), Dame Blanche (vanilla ice cream covered and hot melted chocolate) today as way to pass the time, what with the rain going to the park to chase pigeons is just not such a temping option.

And then, finally, there is my mom, who looks after the kids and feeds them supper until I get to her house at about 7. Then we have to pack all their stuff and catch 2 different buses home. So by 8 we back at home and by 8:30, if all goes according to the plan the kids are in bed, and asleep not long after.

Phew that is quite a jigsaw puzzle! When Brad is here it all goes so much smoother, that man is a STAR!

At least the kids, my mom and Tracy are all being great about it and it's only for 10 days (don't think any of us would have lasted much longer).

So, tonight I have some spare time to sit in my super clean lounge and study some French or watch some rubbish on TV or go to bed cause there is no ironing and no cleaning to do. Thank goodness I didn't even try and do this all on my own!


Char said...

Wow - you need a TEAM! But at least you have some ME time now. :o)

Candice said...

Hey, sounds hectic. I am lucky to still be choosing what Jenson wears and eats. I am not looking forward to him wanting his own way with clothes etc.

We are doing great! Jenson is getting so big and we are totally enjoying the development. He is making the sweetest sounds, rolling over, laughing, smiling and responding so nicely. He also really loves his food, he gobbles anything I give him as if he is a starving child. He enjoys looking at pics in books and loves music.

I am starting a very partime job on Monday, two hours a day from mon - thur, just to supplement the income a bit. I will just be tutoring some kids.

It must be great having your mom there, it is nice having the support.

Sorry I have been so out of touch...

Have a lovely weekend, Candice