Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Food Glorious Food

You know how when you really try not to think about something, it's all you can think about? Well Brad is on diet (a much needed one but that is neither here nor there). Him & one of his barmen have a bet on with each other, whoever loses the most weight by a certain set date will receive 300 euros from the other one. This is quite a good incentive & one that is much needed.

I have decided to join (also cause it's much needed) unofficially.

All our conversations are about food, what we feel like eating, when we can eat, what we'll eat for dinner/lunch. It's all we can think about, all the time....

I used to have really good self control and watching what I eat has never been hard for me until recently, now I'm as bad as Brad at it. Wonder if it has anything to do with being married to him for this long, after all these years he is starting to rub off on me in stead of me rubbing off on him.

Now, I need to find something to do to take my mind off the cake in the kitchen the kids had made at my mom's today.

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