Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween Obsessed

My kids are crazy about Halloween, in fact, they really should have been raised in America just to justify their obsession with this holiday. Ever since September they have been talking about it and trying to decide what costumes they would get this year.

In the preschool section of their school they get the opportunity to dress up on the last day of school before the mid-term break, however since Riley is now in
year 2 she doesn't get this opportunity anymore. This however, did not stop her from declaring that she too needed a Halloween costume.

Rourke has been asking me when it's going to be Halloween every day for the past month and when I explain to him that it's first his birthday, then mine then Cliff's and then Tracey's and then after Tracey's birthday (29th of October) it's Halloween he get's really upset with me -- 'you're joking!!! how can it still be so long?'

Last year my brother took my 2 kids and his son Trick or Treating in Brussels but since then my brother and his family have moved back to SA and we've moved to the sticks! .... the result to my poor kids disgust: no where to go trick or treating. They are not impressed with this at all.

Rourke even suggested that they dress up and go and see if the farm animals don't have anything for them.....

I've noticed that there are a couple of houses in the street close to our house has some Halloween decorations in their window, so I might just pop round and see if they would mind if the kids came Trick or Treating on Saturday night.

But first, tonight I have to ice my Halloween biscuits.

1 comment:

Char said...

That is hilarious! I think Rourke might need to come and stay with us at the funny farm! He would fit right in. Haha!