Wednesday, November 19, 2008

If this happens at 4 what is going to happen at 16?

The school called Brad today, asking him to please come and collect Rourke from school as his been vomiting and is clearly quite sick.

Fast Forward to his conversation with me:

B: "So the school called and told me that Rourke is sick, been vomiting all over and that I need to go and pick him up"

J: "Really. what the hell is wrong with him, he was dead fine this morning?"

B: "O his perfectly good, nothing wrong with him. Turns out he had a boat race with Fabrice and as a result he vomited all over the show. He did win the race at least"
(boat race is if you both drink the same amount of liquid to see who can drink it the fasted without stopping)
J: "The kid's only 4, don't know what we're going to do with him when his 16"

That's right folks my 4 year old son is having boat races at school until he vomits but is very proud about the fact that not only did he win the race he also got to spend the rest of the school day at Ouma's house.

Wonder what he's going to get up to tomorrow.......

1 comment:

Char said...

Oh my word. Good luck with that! Haha!